Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Plane tickets have been reserved, and visa applications went in the mail (Overnight) this morning. We leave on Friday the 4th and come home on Wednesday the 9th, if all works out as it should. We're going to be flying Aeroflot part of the way, which should be interesting (I flew on Aeroflot when I went to Russia for the very first time in 1996, and it was an experience---not bad, just really interesting!) We also had to pay for expedited visas, since Thanksgiving holidays are in the midst of our visa processing time. BUT: we're GOING! I've been so preoccupied with everything that has to get done between now and then, that I haven't had time to let this all sink in! Perhaps when school stuff gets a bit more finalized (I'm going to have to miss the last week of classes) and I have time to breathe???

Anything else I should be doing? I have an outfit for court, and the photo album is done. Is there something I'm forgetting????

We now return you to our regularly-scheduled program. Perhaps it's "Pigs in Space???"


Craig and Phyllis said...

Craig flew Aeroflot for a missions trip back in '98. He said that they allowed smoking on the flight. And he also saw Gorbechovf (sp?)up in First Class. When we flew them in '06, I was so relieved that they had stopped the in-flight smoking! Little things to thank the Lord for, right?!

My suggestion is to pack your court outfit in your carry-on. You never can trust where your luggage will end up! : )

Have fun preparing!

Carolynn and Steve said...


How cool that Craig flew with Gorbachev! I would bet that it was one safe flight!

Thanks for the suggestion--I'll try to see what we have that we can pack a suit and a skirt in so that they won't be wrinkled too much when we carry them on the plane! said...

We've been home a year and it still hasn't sunken in yet! :) Happy travels!


Mama Fish said...

Oh I second the pack your suit in your carry on bag. It would just be a bummer to have nothing to wear to court because luggage was lost.

I can sooo relate to the visas being expediated. We also had to do that on our 3rd trip with the boys. UGH! Congratulations you are going!!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

You are on your way!

Have to tell you...I LOVED Pigs In Space! ha. You probably would have guessed that about me. ;)

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Piiiiiigs in Spaaaaaaaaaace.

Couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We picked up our son 13 december last year and had our first Christmas together. It was wonderful to be back for Christmas.

Barb said...

I am just so absolutely over the moon happy for you!

Troy and Rachel said...

We flew Aeroflet on our first trip in 2008 and we LOVED it. Sure you didn't have TV monitors in the back of your seat, but our flight was great, the people were great and the food was great. We were actually sad when we couldn't fly Aeroflat on trip 2 due to our leaving date. I think you'll find it's okay!!

Sarah D said...

Yippeee! I can't give you any useful flight advice since I haven't flown in 8 years!!!! But I can say "Yipppeeee!!!!"

Annie said...

I am SO, SO happy for you!!!! Yahoo!

Aeroflot is fun. The passengers are so into it! They all cheer when the plane lands. At first I thought it was with relief, but later I decided that it was appreciation of their homeland. :)

Also, once the flight is underway a number of folks open up their bottles of vodka and the party commences. Quite entertaining!