Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stress does some weird things....

Ok, so here's the crazy part of the week--last Tuesday I went to the doctor with this wonky rash on the right side of my chest and arm...guess what? I had shingles! The Doctor asked if I had been under any stress, since that can trigger them. I said, "you have no idea...."

Luckily, we caught it quickly and the antiviral stuff has worked (although made my stomach funky). I have learned that I probably need to deal better with my stress level, and that I probably also needed the weekend of sleeping a bunch.

No specific news right now, but we will keep you posted and let you know as soon as we know something...
Much love!


Troy and Rachel said...

Oh no - I hope you are feeling better. Boy nothing like an international (or any) adoption to put some stress on!! I hope you can relax and enjoy the weekend and get better!

MoscowMom said...

Yikes!!! Get well!!!!!!!

Annie said...

Oh, I know about the rash! Have "been there done that" for 5-6 years now. At first I thought it was my hair color and I'd have to "go natural". Thank heaven I found out it was just stress! But that said, I've learned it is ANY stress - emotional, but also hot water (no hot baths or showers any more), certain shampoos, things rubbing against my skin (even a necklace I'd worn for years), and on and on. I won't give up hair color, but have found a place that uses a brand that is MUCH better (NOT Aveda, which was the absolute WORST). Can't avoid stress, especially in adoption, but I have found that the hot water, in my case helped immeasurably. Good luck!

Tina in CT said...

I had shingles as a teenager one summer while working at the town rec park. Probably caught it from a kid with chicken pox. I just read an article about getting a shingles shot for people over 60 that have had shingles. I need to call my doctor.

I know how painful they are so can sympathize with you. Good luck with the healing.