Friday, April 9, 2010


Please, please, please offer up a prayer for all of the families who are in the midst of completing a Russia adoption, and for all of the children who are waiting for their forever families.

In case you have missed the news, an adoptive parent in the US sent her child back to Russia ALONE on a plane.  The Russian authorities are furious.  I am furious.  While I can understand that being a parent is HARD, especially when there are challenges, this mom had options.  Much better options.  And now the future of Russian adoption is in jeopardy for American parents. 

Please pray that this does not mess things up for the other parents.  And that there is healing for all of the parties involved, especially this little boy.


Laura said...

Like you, I am just sick over the entire situation. My prayers go out to all the families awaiting a referral and especially those awaiting their court trip. Prayers also for the little boy. So sad....

~Laura said...

Amen. . .

In tears for all of those children!!

Becky and Keith said...

Doesn't this just break your heart for everyone involved? The little boy, the waiting parents, the Russian orphans, etc... I hope and pray the officials find the best way to work through this and that it doesn't impact those waiting for their forever families.