Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fingerprint "Challenged"

Yesterday, we went to have our fingerprints taken (again)--this time for the FBI clearance. By my count, this is the 5th time we've been fingerprinted since we began this journey. And I have a sneaking feeling it won't be the last.
Anyway, to explain. We had made an appointment at the Police Station in Springfield to have this done. They do the prints onto the card, and then you mail them to the FBI for processing. And of course, you pay for both services.

We got to the police station early, which was kind of good because there was almost no place to park. We ended up parking about a block away and walking. We were still early, but that was also good, because they went ahead and got us in (some other person had missed their appointment). Steve's were great--in fact, the technician told him he had perfect fingerprints. Mine were a different story. She did most of mine three to four times, and said, "well, I hope this is good enough." Apparently I have "fingerprint problems" :-( and I had been drinking huge amounts of water AND used moisturizer. I'm just hopeful now that the FBI will accept them!
The coolest part was that the technician who did our prints has a niece who was adopted from Russia--so she was very positive about the whole process, and was very patient with me and my fingerprint challenge. Amazing how God brings blessings into even the most frustrating of situations!


Craig and Phyllis said...

I would think all that water should have been a bit more helpful!!!

Cyan said...

I’m fingerprint-challenged too. (I’m also blog-challenged, because I’ve tried twice to leave a comment on this post.)

I had to have my prints taken twice last fall for the USCIS. The first set "didn't take." My FBI prints are being processed now, and I hope they are OK. The police department gave me a letter to send to the FBI that stated that they did their best to get my prints, and they would not be able to get better ones – ever. You’re ahead of the game, getting yours processed before your first trip!

Joy said...

That is so cool. I bet the fingerprints will be okay. I hope they come back soon and you can check this off the list.
Joy said...

Someone told me that a group of "ladies" sit in a room at the FBI and analyze fingerprints on cards all day---can you imagine! I bet yours will be fine. Can't believe the police dept. charged to do this...ours didn't---one of the few places that didn't get us coming and going! :)


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I too am fingerprint challenged...they told me to stop cleaning so much...ha! there's a tip for ya.

Rob said...

Ugh, we had to do this 4 times, so I feel your aggravation.

And I hafta admit that I'm ever so slightly spiteful about this - I mean, if "bio" parents had to go thru half of the humiliating and/or accusatory nonsense that we adoptive parents deal with, they'd never have children!

That said, it was worth every hassle, frustrating inconvenience, and embarrassing question.

Shelly and Steve said...

We're waiting for FBI clearances too....Amazing how many times we need to be fingerprinted! You'd think everyone could access them from one set, UGH.....Its not like they change! Hope they come out fine.

Carolynn and Steve said...

I have to admit that every time I do this, I feel like they should be shooting my mug shots and that I can expect to see myself on the wall in the post office. No news yet, but I'm hoping they won't have to be redone. The technician wrote on mine that it was the best she could do, due to a "skin condition"!
Does that mean that I should consider a life of crime? I mean, if my fingerprints are SO hard to

Over-Caffeinated said...

Can you believe I've done three Russian adoptions and never once done the FBI fingerprints? You've already beaten me on the fingerprint count and I've completed three adoptions.... that's just crazy.

Sorry, I hope that doesn't sound like "rubbing it in". :) It just never ceases to amaze me at how many different people can each have completely different experiences in adoption paperwork. Ours was a nightmare too... I hate the paperchase part!

Troy and Rachel said...

Isn't that crazy?! I hope they turn out alright. I had trouble the last time I went before our 2nd trip because I had been sick and was dehydraetd. They kept having to wet my hand and retry - they came back fine so I'm sure your will too.

Annie said...

I think I counted that over the past six years I've been fingerprinted twenty times! Many were adoption related, but working for the Catholic Church doesn't help either, and then doing foster care. Good thing I have nothing to hide.

Mama Fish said...

I know you were scheduled to leave tomorrow... so know I am praying! I have lost your email, I'm not sure how... but it's lost in my mail inbox. Just want you to know I am thinking and praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I too am hoping and praying that you still are travelling tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! I know it is crazy times and it is hard to take time to blog, but maybe just a snip-it to know you are ok?!
Hope things are still on track!!!

Joy said...

Okay I was wondering where are you? Everything alright?